The Oracle
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THE ORACLE by Jonathan Cahn
Published by FrontLine
Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group
600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746
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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved
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Copyright © 2019 by Jonathan Cahn
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International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62999-629-5
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62999-630-1
This publication is translated in Spanish under the title El oráculo, copyright © 2019 by Jonathan Cahn, published by Casa Creación, a Charisma Media company. All rights reserved.
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What you are about to read is presented in the form of a narrative, but what is contained in the story, all that the Oracle reveals, is absolutely real.
Chapter 1 The Mystery
Chapter 2 The Vision
Chapter 3 The Journey
Chapter 4 The Oracle
Chapter 5 The First Door
Chapter 6 The Beginning of Mysteries
Chapter 7 The Desert Visions
Chapter 8 The Year of the Zerah
Chapter 9 The Stranger
Chapter 10 The Man With the Measuring Line
Chapter 11 Nitzavim
Chapter 12 The Lost City
Chapter 13 The Sultan’s Code
Chapter 14 The Seventh Jubilee
Chapter 15 Fruition
Chapter 16 The Second Door
Chapter 17 The Year of the Gezerah
Chapter 18 The Word of Kings
Chapter 19 The Promise
Chapter 20 The Land of Seven Wells
Chapter 21 The Birds
Chapter 22 The Number of the End
Chapter 23 The Day and Night of Kislev
Chapter 24 The Third Door
Chapter 25 Herzl’s Countdown
Chapter 26 The Return of Jacob
Chapter 27 The Day of the Scrolls
Chapter 28 Resurrection Land
Chapter 29 The Persian
Chapter 30 The Man Who Was
Chapter 31 The Day of Amos
Chapter 32 The Jubilean Code
Chapter 33 The Fourth Door
Chapter 34 The Year of the Kiryah
Chapter 35 The Parchment
Chapter 36 The Prophet’s Song
Chapter 37 The Day of the Priests
Chapter 38 The Babylonian Code
Chapter 39 The Nazir
Chapter 40 The Day of the Lions
Chapter 41 The Jubilean Man
Chapter 42 The Masada Algorithm
Chapter 43 The Fifth Door
Chapter 44 The Year of the Birah
Chapter 45 The Jubilee of Capitol Hill
Chapter 46 The Days
Chapter 47 The Jubilean Declaration
Chapter 48 The Return of the Persian
Chapter 49 The Trumpet Man
Chapter 50 The Seventy-Year Mystery
Chapter 51 The House of Return
Chapter 52 The Streams
Chapter 53 The Sixth Door
Chapter 54 The Oracle’s Tent
Chapter 55 The Matrix of Years
Chapter 56 The Return
Chapter 57 The Olive Tree Resurrection
Chapter 58 The Dark Jubilee
Chapter 59 The Stained-Glass Metamorphosis
Chapter 60 The Last Piece
Chapter 61 The Seventh Door
Chapter 62 The Final Mystery
Chapter 63 After the End
About Jonathan Cahn
Chapter 1
WHAT IF I told you of a mystery so vast that it spans the world and the ages, from ancient times to this very moment . . . a mystery that moves behind and through all human events, directs and turns the paths of leaders, determines the future of nations and empires . . . and of the world itself . . . to bring all things to their appointed end?”
“I wouldn’t believe it.”
“No,” he replied, “I wouldn’t have either if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”
“What do you mean, ‘seen it with your own eyes’? And what mystery?”
“One made up of many others . . . a mystery of mysteries.”
“OK. What mysteries then?”
“The Jubilean mysteries,” he replied.
“I’ve never heard of them.”
“Their origins are ancient. They were birthed in a desert not unlike this one and on a mountaintop not unlike the one on which we sit . . . thousands of years ago.”
“And yet they’re determining what’s happening now?”
“How could something from ancient times be doing that?”
“That,” he said, “is the mystery.”
They were silent for a time as a warm desert wind swept across the mountaintop. The traveler laid down his backpack on the ground by the rock on which he was sitting. His boots were covered with sand, his jeans were torn, and he was tired from the journey. But what he was hearing made him
forget his weariness. He had set out in search of answers. The one he had come to see, the man on the mountaintop, didn’t look as he had imagined he would have. He appeared to be in his early thirties, not much older than the traveler himself, and was without a beard, clean-shaven, ordinary looking. But there was something about him. He spoke with an authority and a sincerity that gave the traveler confidence that his journey may not have been in vain. And yet he was still as puzzled by the man as he was intrigued.
“I don’t see how something like that could exist,” he said.
“But nevertheless the mysteries have determined the course of empires and superpowers, kings and presidents . . . ”
“Do you mean ancient principles or guiding truths that still have meaning for the modern world?”
“Such things do exist,” he replied, “but no. I’m speaking of something much different and much more specific . . . ancient mysteries that have determined the events of our world so precisely that they tell us not only what must take place . . . but when.”
“But in ancient times they didn’t number the years as we do now.”
“There are other ways by which the appointed times are marked.”
“It doesn’t seem possible.”
“And yet it is.”
“I just don’t see how something so ancient could reveal . . . ”
“More than that,” he replied, “they contain ancient words and messages appointed to be spoken at specific times, even on the specific days on which the events of which they speak are to take place.”
“It sounds so . . . ” the traveler paused, looking for the right word, which never came.
“And the mystery of the end.”
“The end?”
“The end that was foretold.”
“This is so unlike anything I’ve ever heard.”
“Then you’ve never heard of prophecy?”
“Is this something that requires faith . . . like faith in God?”
“It requires nothing,” he said. “It exists whether you believe or not. Your belief doesn’t make it any more real, and your doubt doesn’t make it any less so. If you’re ever going to find that which you don’t already have, then you have to be open to what you’ve never known . . . or believed could exist . . . And I should be the last person telling you this.”
“Why is that?”
“I wasn’t a believer. I was a skeptic. I didn’t believe there was any purpose to life . . . any significance, any meaning. I saw everything as a series of random events, chance occurrences, accidents . . . sorrows with no purpose, joys with no meaning. Everything was meaningless. So I’m the last person to be telling you about the fingerprints of God.”
“The fingerprints of God?”
“The signs, the markers, the witnesses in this world of the purpose behind everything . . . that it’s not an accident.”
“That what isn’t an accident?”
“History, life, existence . . . that there’s a reason, a purpose, and a plan. The mystery reveals the threads of the master loom.”
“You were a skeptic,” he said. “So what happened? What changed you? And how did you end up here, in the middle of . . . ?”
“I came as you did in search of answers and in search of one.”
“In search of one what?”
“In search of one who.”
“Then who?”
It was only after a long pause that the answer came.
“The Oracle.”
Chapter 2
I DON’T KNOW how I can convey it, how unlikely it was . . . how unlikely that it happened to me, of all people. I doubted everything except what I could see with my own eyes. And so that’s where it began, with my own eyes.”
“What do you mean?”
“I saw a vision.”
“I don’t know how,” he replied. “I never saw one before. I had no idea what to expect or what was happening.”
“How did it happen?”
“I was in my apartment. It was night. I was sitting on the couch, watching television, when the sound of the television began to fade into silence, and then my apartment . . . faded away . . . into the vision.”
“So what did you see?”
“I’ll tell you,” he replied, “but not just yet. At this point the main thing is that it made no sense to me. I couldn’t explain it.”
“You couldn’t explain what you saw or the fact that you saw it?”
“Both. There was nothing in it I could relate to or make sense of, and I couldn’t explain why I was seeing it in the first place. At first I thought I was going crazy. So I kept it to myself. I went to work, I came home, and I sat in my apartment and hoped it would never happen again. But that wasn’t to be. A week later, again at night, again while I was sitting on my couch, it happened . . . the same exact vision with every detail playing out as if I was watching a recording of the first vision.”
“So what did you think?”
“I thought I was crazy but that my insanity was remarkably consistent.”
“So what happened?”
“Another week went by, and it happened yet a third time, every detail unfolding exactly as it did before. It was then that I came to the conclusion that it couldn’t be me. No matter how crazy I was, there was no way I could have come up with something so detailed, so real, so consistent, and so totally foreign to anything I had ever seen or imagined before.”
“So if you weren’t going crazy, then what?”
“I didn’t know what. But if it didn’t come from me, then it had to be coming from somewhere else. And if it was coming from somewhere else, then there had to be a reason it was happening. I had to find out why.”
“How would you do that?”
“In the vision a name was given, a person called the Oracle. Along with that name, or title, was a directive. I was to find him. If I could find the Oracle, I would find the answer.”
“How could you possibly find him . . . if he even existed to begin with?”
“I didn’t know where to begin. I didn’t even know if he was real. But I decided the best way was to go to my computer and search the internet.”
“And what did you find?”
“A lot of companies and products and services and projects are called Oracle. That didn’t help. So I decided to search the meaning of the word. An oracle was one who spoke, and more specifically, one who spoke divine revelation or counsel or prophecy, an authority you went to for revelation and truth. An oracle could also refer to the revelation itself, the truth, the word, the counsel, the prophecy, the message given.
“The ancient world was filled with oracles. As long as people seek revelation and as long as they believe that there are those who can reveal such things, there will always be oracles of one kind or another. The most famous of these was the oracle at Delphi. The seekers would journey to the Temple of Apollo to receive the oracle’s revelations. But the oracles were all over . . . in China, India, Europe, South America, Africa, all over the world, each claiming the powers of revelation and prophecy, each claiming to speak from God or the gods.”
“So oracles were a part of pagan religion.”
“Pagan oracles were part of pagan religion,” he replied. “The Bible speaks of the pagan soothsayers and warns against their practices, the channeling of spirits, the practicing of divination, and the worship of pagan gods. But the Bible is also filled with those called and appointed to bring forth divine messages and revelations, to share divine counsel, to discern and interpret the signs of the times, and to speak of future events before they happen.”
“Prophets?” he asked.
“Yes, prophets, seers, priests, messengers of God, those chosen as vessels of divine revelation. In fact the word oracle itself appears throughout the Scriptures. It is written that the counsel given by a man named Ahithophel ‘was as if one had inquired at the oracle of God.’ 1 So the apostle Paul wrote that the nation of Isr
ael was entrusted with the ‘oracles of God.’” 2
“So the oracles of God are . . . ”
“His revelations, His words, messages, and prophecies, that which is linked to the prophets. Their prophecies could be called the oracles.”
“But how did any of this help you in your search for the Oracle?”
“It gave me something to go on. I now at least had some idea of what I was looking for.”
“And where did it lead you?” he asked.
“Nowhere . . . not for some time. But I wasn’t going to give up. I kept searching, on the web, in libraries, in history books, in books on religion, in periodicals, on microfilm, everything I could search through, looking for any trace of the Oracle. And then . . . ”
“And then?”
“And then I found it.”
Chapter 3
I WAS IN the library, going through an article preserved on microfilm. It was there that I saw it, in that article. It wasn’t even the main point but was a side note. It mentioned how in a certain region the locals told the story of a man who lived in the mountains and only emerged in the villages on the rarest of occasions. They called him the Oracle.”
“They called him the Oracle, why?”
“Because they believed he spoke words of divine wisdom and revelation. They sought his counsel. That was pretty much all it said.”
“So what did you do?”
“I narrowed down my searching to that region. I retrieved as many pictures as I could find of its landscape. That’s how I knew I was on the right track.”
“The pictures of the region matched the landscape in my vision. It was then that I decided to make the journey. I didn’t believe I had a choice. If I didn’t go, I would always be haunted by the fact that I never did. So I would go to the land of the Oracle and seek him out.
“I wrapped up my affairs, arranged for an extended absence, and set out on the journey. I ended up in one of the villages spoken about in the article. I stayed in what could only, by the loosest of interpretations, be called an inn but which served its purpose. I figured I would start out by simply asking the locals if they had ever heard of a man called the Oracle. And if they answered yes, I would see if I could get anything more, any clue to his whereabouts.”